Department of Geography Syllabus

FYBA Geography Syllabus Sem I & II CBCS Pattern-2019             Annual Teaching Plan FYBA Geography

SYBA Geography Syllabus Sem III & IV (CBCS Pattern- 2020)

SYBA Geography (Old Syllabus Annual P-2013)                        


TYBA Geography Syllabus (Annual Pattern 2013)                          Annual Teaching Plan (TYBA Geography )


                                                                 Study Material

Geography Study Materials (E-Content) Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

 E Books


 प्राकृतीक भूगोल (PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY E-Book)

 प्रात्यक्षिक भूगोल (Practical Geography)

 प्रात्यक्षिक भूगोल (PRACTICAL-GEOGRAPHY)



Shri Chhatrapati Shikshan and Arogya Prasark Mandal’s,

Shri Sant Gajanan Mahavidyalaya, Kharda

Tal. Jamkhed, Dist. Ahmednagar

Department of Geography                                                        


Course Outcome


FYBA Geography (2019-20) Semester I- Physical Geography & Semester II- Human Geography.

Semester I- Physical Geography (110) CBCS Pattern

This paper intends to acquaint the students with various dimensions of Physical Geography, and its challenges. The students of Geography, F.Y.B.A. should understand the current issues in Physical geography. Specifically, Physical geography focused on Lithosphere, Fluvial Cycle, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere.

Physical Geography (110) CBCS Pattern

  1. To acquaint the students with the utility and application of Physical geography in different regions and environment.
  2. To make the students aware about Earth system (Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Biosphere and Hydrosphere)
  3. The geographical maturity of students in their current and future courses shall develop.
  4. The student develops theoretical, applied and computational skills.


Semester II- Human Geography (110A) CBCS Pattern

  1. Acquaint students with the nature of man environment relationship and human capability to adopt and modify the environment under its varied conditions from primitive life style to the modern living.
  2. Identify and understand environment and population in terms of their quality and spatial distribution pattern.
  3. Comprehend the contemporary issues facing the global community.

Annual Pattern (Old 2013)- Elements of Geomorphology (G1) Gg-110

  1. Students would be acquainting with the utility and application of Geomorphology in different regions and
  2. Understand the fundamental concepts of the
  3. Classify various types of crustal movements and elaborate their effects on the earth’s
  4. Understand work of denudation agents and their associated landforms and know importance and need to protect them


S.Y.B.A. Geography (G2)

Semester III - Environmental Geography- I (Gg.210A) CBCS Pattern

  • To create the awareness about dynamic environment among the student.
  • To acquaint the students with fundamental concepts of environment geography for development in different areas.
  • To make aware the students about the problems of environment, their utilization and conservation in the view of sustainable development.
  • To create awareness about dynamic environment among the students.
  • To make aware students about the problems of environment, its utilization and conservation in the view of sustainable development.



Economic Geography (G2) Gg 220

  • Students would be integrating the various factors of economic development and dynamic aspects of Economic
  • Classify economic activities with their features and differentiate developed, undeveloped and developing countries
  • Classify resources focus on use of non -conventional energy resources crisis
  • Classify industries, transport, communication and trade
  • Describe various national and international organizations also new concepts

Semester III- Geography of Maharashtra (S1) (Gg.220A)

  • To acquaint students with Geography of our State.
  • To make students aware of the magnitude of problems and prospectus at state level.
  • To help students understand the inter relationship between the subject and the society.
  • To help students understand the recent trends in regional studies.


 Semester IV- Geography of Maharashtra (S1) (Gg.220A)

  • To make students aware about the Agriculture problems and prospects of Maharashtra.
  • To understand the population distribution and settlement pattern in Maharashtra
  • To understand the concept of rural development.
  • understand the prospectus in Tourism activity in Maharashtra and the role of MTDC in industrial development in rural area of Maharashtra

Semester III- Scale and Map Projection-S2 (Gg. 201A) Practical Geography-I

After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Develop practical skill and use of map scale and projection.
  • To make students aware of the new techniques, accuracy and skills of map making.


Semester IV- Cartographic Techniques, Surveying and Excursion / Village / Project Report -S2 (Gg. 201A) Practical Geography-II

 After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Develop practical knowledge and application of cartographical techniques.
  • To make students aware of the new techniques, accuracy and skills of Map Making.


SYBA 2013 Pattern

SYBA GEOGRAPHY GENERAL PAPER-II (G2) Climatology and Oceanography

  1. Introduce the students to the basic principles and concepts in Climatology and Oceanography.
  2. Acquaint the students with the applications of Climatology and Oceanography in different areas and environment.
  3. Make students aware of the Planet Earth and thereby to enrich the student‘s knowledge


Gg 210 Geography of Disaster Managements (G2)


  1. Students would be aware of concept of disaster and its relationship with
  2. Classify various types of
  3. Understand terminology and concepts used in Disaster
  4. Elaborate structural and non-structural measures used in Disaster
  5. Discuss causes, effects of disasters and locate areas on the
  6. Differentiate global issues and describe their causes, effects and
  7. Name case studies of Indian and global disasters and discuss


Gg 201 Fundamental of Geographical Analysis(S2)


  1. Students convert verbal scale to numeric and vice versa British to metric and vice versa
  2. Draw projections as per need and area
  3. Represent data by using various techniques
  4. Handle surveying instruments and different surveying techniques to prepare map layout and handle surveying
  5. Design questionnaire and collect primary data




Gg 310 Regional Geography of India(G3)


  1. Students would be understanding geography of our
  2. Acquire an understanding and relationship of between physiography and drainage, climate, soil
  3. Locate resources of the country on map
  4. Understand significance of age and discover new technique used in agriculture
  5. Develop a solid understanding of the concept of region and its importance in planning and development
  6. Elaborate relationship with India and its neighboring
  7. Aware about the resources and its

Gg 320 Agricultural Geography (S3)


  1. Students correlate activity of agriculture and its determinants
  2. Classify various types of agriculture in the world and differentiate
  3. Discuss the problems and prospects of agriculture
  4. Acquire new methods, techniques and trends used in agriculture
  5. Understand the concept of sustainable agricultural development



Gg 301 Techniques of Spatial Analysis (S4)


  1. Students understand the importance of toposheets and know conventional signs and symbols
  2. Differentiate various methods of relief representation and draw profiles
  3. Handle toposheets, weather maps, aerial photographs and satellite images also interpret them
  4. Prepare maps using computer techniques and software
  5. Use various statistical techniques used in



Tourism Geography (S-1) Gg- 220

  1. To acquaint the student’s basic concepts of Geography & Tourism.
  2. To aware the students with the utility and application of Tourism
  3. To help the students & society to understand the interrelationship between tourism and employment generation opportunities.
  4. To understand the impact of tourism on Physical and Human Environments