The particulars of the Organization, Functions and Duties


  • Name of the Organization                      :      Shri Chhatrapati Shikshan and Arogya Prasarak  Mandal’s Shri Sant Gajanan Mahavidyalaya, Kharda

  • Postal address of the organization        :      A/P- Kharda, Tal-Jamkhed,Dist. Ahmednagar.  (Maharashtra) Pin Code – 413204

  • Website:                                    E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Phone Number: 9021602027, 9028270997, 9404025824

  • Brief History and background for its establishment

  • Approved and Affiliated: Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune.

  • President :        Anil Jayantrao Walunjkar

  • Secretary:         Mahesh Nivruttirao Golekar

  • Vice President:  Ranjit Mahesh Golekar

  • The Principal :     Dr. Shivanand Tanajirao Jadhav.

  • RTI Officer  :       Dr. Onkar Balkrishna Kriste - 9404025824
  • Vision, Mission and Objectives of the organization

·       Our Mission

  • To empower students with relevant knowledge
  • To facilitate optimum use of human and infrastructural resources
  • To create a strong free-minded and capable youth with social bonding
  • Inclusive growth for socio-economic change
  • Bring about the educational and cultural development of rural population

·       Our Vision

  • The vision of the college is to create a liking for education among the students of the drought-prone region. To bring them in the mainstream of higher education. To make aware of the importance of higher education by inculcating in them the importance of national values & to create the best citizens, who can serve humanity.

·       Objectives of the Institution

  • To contribute to the field of Education & Health by providing qualitative value-based services
  • To inculcate social, moral and spiritual values amongst students
  • To develop a student’s personality and nourish fraternity through extra-curricular activities
  • To sensitize students regarding environmental issues
  • To instill them with the required set of skill as an agricultural base, entrepreneur, technical, etc. for financial independency
  • To develop Democratic values, National Integration and Secularism amongst students through the hierarchy of education for both girls and boys at higher level study
  • Providing quality education to socially and economically backward class


  • Working hours of office

  • For Teaching Staff :         Bachelor of Arts   :  08:40 AM. To 02:30 PM, Sundays are holidays.

  • For office :                  10. 00 am to 5:00 p.m.- Monday to Friday

  • Lunch Time – 01:00 pm to 1.30 pm

  • Sundays are holidays.

  • Visiting hours for Public: 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on working day.

·       The powers and Duties :-

·       Management:

  • To provide infrastructure and other facilities.
  • To appoint the teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • To review the academic and administrative activities.
  • To prepare master plan for development.
  • To sanction and allocate the annual budget for various activities.
  • Co-Ordinator: Coordinate between institute and management
  • Co-Ordinator: Coordinate between institute and management
  • Principal : His duties and responsibilities are defined by S.P.P.U. Pune Statute No. 414
  • Teachers : His duties and responsibilities are defined by S.P.P.U. Pune Statute No. 415 to 431
  • Librarian: His duties and responsibilities are defined by S.P.P.U. Pune Statute No. 215 
  • Director of Phy. Education: His duties and responsibilities are defined by S.P.P.U. Pune Statute No. 411 
  • Office: His duties and responsibilities are defined by S.P.P.U. Pune Statute and State Govt. rules and regulations.

The procedure followed in the decision-making process, including channels of supervision and accountability

Organism of Institute: Click here The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision, accountability RTI


The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions : According to S.P.P. University Pune and Govt. of Maharashtra Rules and Regulations.

A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control: Documents are prepared and stored by administrative staff and the committee of concern department under the observation of college principal.

The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof: College Development Committee and Internal Quality Assurance Cell help to formulate the policies of the institution.  Principal frame various committees for the implementation purposes.

A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public:

            Yes – available on demand.

 A directory of its officers and employees : 



Name of Employee


email I.D.

Contact No.


Dr. Jadhav Shivanand Tanajirao


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Dr. Khiste Onkar Balkrishna

Assistant Professor

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Mr. Jawlekar Dhananjay Radhakrushna

Assistant Professor

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Mr. Khawale Nakul Popat

Assistant Professor

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Mr. Shaikh Mohasin Ibrahim

Assistant Professor

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Mr. Tanpure Shrikant Dattatray

Assistant Professor

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Mr. Mehtre Rajiv

Assistant Professor

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Mr. Holambe Sanjay Balasaheb

Assistant Professor

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Mr. Bajgude Mahesh Baliram


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Mr. Jaybhay Amol Bansi

Head Clark

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Mr. Shinde Shrikrushna Abhiman

Senior Clark

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Mr. Jagtap Suraj Vitthal

Junior Clark

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Mr. Gange Rushikesh Anurath


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Mr. Dhanlagde Raju Haridas


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Mr. Potre Kondiba Datta


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Mr. Ghorad Vikas Vitthal


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Mr. Dhenge Sachin Haribhau

Library Attendant

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The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations;


Sr. No.


Pay Scale

Annual Increment





Assistant Professor

57,700-1,82,400  3%



57,700-1,82,400  3%


Director of Physical Education

57,700-1,82,400  3%


Head Clerk

 35,400-1,12,400  3%


Senior Clerk

 25,500-81,100  3%


Junior Clerk

19,900-63,200   3%


Library Attendant

  15,000-47,600  3%



 15,000-47,600   3%

The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made: Yes


Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it: The Students who belong to reserve categories may avail the concessions as provided by the Central & State Government.

Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form:





Government Permission letters, University Affiliation Letters, Roster Approval, U.G.C. 2f & 12b Inclusion letter, etc.


Permanent employees appointment Order and university approvals


Library Accession Register and other, A.Q.A.R, A.T.R., etc.


Students Admission Information, Annual Budget & Audited Statements etc.

The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers  


Name of  Officer


Contact Number

Email I.D.


Dr. Khiste O.B

Public Information Officer


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Dr. Jadhav S.T.

Appellate Officer


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Such other information as may be prescribed, and thereafter update these publications every year;

               Yes –Institution annually publishes the information such as admission data, staff data, account data, statistical data, etc. through the Management Information Service, All India Survey of Higher Education, Annual Report to S.P.P.U. Pune.

Submit Online RTI Form


                                                                                        Standard  Application Format                                      Appendix A

                                                                                                     (see Rule 3)

To                                                                                        Affix 10 rupee Court fee stamp.

The Public Information Officer,

( Designation and address of the concerned office)

  1. Full name of Applicant:
  2. Address:
  3. Particulars of Information required:

(i) Subject matter of information:

(ii) The period to which information relates: Current.

(iii) Description of Information required:

I had made an application/complaint for the following reason (copy of application/complaint is attached) but no satisfactory action has been taken on my application so far. Please provide the following information with respect to the same:

  1. a) Please indicate the progress made on my application so far. i.e. when did my application reach which officer, for how long did it stay with that officer and what did he/she do during that period?
  2. b) Please give the names and designations of the officials who were supposed to take action on my application and who have not done so?
  3. c) If the file has been with any official for more than seven working days,- which is in contravention of Section 10 (1) of Act XXI of 2006, detail of action initiated against him under Section 10 (2) of the Act.(Maharashtra).
  4. d) Please give a list of applicants for during the last months, giving names, date of application and date on which was issued.

(iv) Whether information is required by post or in person: Post

(v) In case by post: Ordinary, registered or Speed post): Speed Post

(4.) Whether applicant is below poverty line: Not applicable

(if so attach photocopy of below poverty line card.




                                                                                                                                                                   Signature of applicant.



In italics-suggested for typical cases, like non-reciept of ration card, passport, pension etc.

(Please affix 10 rupee court fee stamp for Maharashtra Govt. bodies;

For Central Govt. Bodies you can give the application fee of Rs.10/ by attaching an Indian Postal Order, which is available at most Post Offices. In the space for pay to….. leave it blank. Put your name and address in the space for Sender.)


Questions for say non-receipt of rations, kerosene etc.:

I want the following information about …… dealer, registration no.     address…..:

In the last two/one months how much kerosene/grains were supplied to the dealer.

A Xerox copy of his register, showing how much was sold by him to which consumer.

Note: Under Section 2 (f), “information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force;” has to be given by you.

First Appeal Format when no reply received in 30 days. Must be made within 60 days of receipt of RTI application by PIO.         

                                                                                          Appeal under RTI Act 2005                                        Annexure B                                                                                         Affix Court fee stamp Rs. 20/

See Rule 5 (1)

Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right To Information Act 2005

From.. :

(Appellant’s name and address)

To: First Appellate Authority

C/o Public Information Officer,


Full name of the Appellant:



Particulars of the State Public information officer: PIO, Dept, Address

Date of receipt of the order appealed against: Not received.

Last date for filing the appeal:                                 (60 days from application date).

The grounds for appeal: In my requisition for information dated , I had asked for the information, as per the copy enclosed. This has been received by the PIO on

Though the mandated period of 30 days is over, the PIO has sent no reply, which is violative of my fundamental right and contravenes the law. Relief Sought:

a) Please instruct the PIO to give the information forthwith.

b)Recommend to the State Information Commission that a penalty should   

Levied on the PIO under Section 20 (10) of the Act 22 of 2005, for not providing the information as mandated in the law. No reasonable cause can be there for not replying at all.

7.Particulars of information-

     a.)Nature and subject matter of the information required: .


     b.)  Name of the office or department to which the information relates: .






                                                                                                                                                  Signature of appellant



Enclosed: Copy of RTI application of with proof of receipt by PIO.

Since it is the PIO’s responsibility to inform me of the particulars of the appellate authority as per

Section 7 (8) (iii), and he has not done so, it is his responsibility to forward it to the First Appellate Authority


Note: In italics, my suggestion of what you could write. The rest is the specified format.

For Central government bodies there are no fees for appeals.